After-school Pricing

M-F, School Dismissal-6:00pm

part-time, 1-4 days/wk

This part-time package allows you to choose days that are needed for after-school care. Parents submit a monthly schedule by the 1st of every month of the month prior to attendance. Non-refundable regardless of attendance. Snack/drink are included in this package. Busing offered for an additional $3/day. You can find our monthly scheduling sheets here.


Full-time, 5 days/wk

This full-time package allows your child to attend our program 5 days/week. Non-refundable* regardless of attendance. Snack/drink are included in this package. Busing offered for an additional $3/Day.

*Exceptions may apply

**Camp Trilogy will not charge you for holidays or days we are closed.


Non-School Days (Extended hours)

Non-school days are days that both Trilogy STEM Academy and our serviced elementary schools are off from school. These days require a separate registration and will offer extended hours from 6:00am-6:00pm. Non-school days are as follows:

  • Dates for 2023-2024 school year coming soon.

    Please note: Dates for closures and extended hours are listed on our calendar. To register for a non-school day please click here.

Other fees to note:

Field Trips: Field trip fees are not included in the overall tuition.

Late Pick-Up Fee: Camp Trilogy’s after-school program closes at 6:00pm. A late fee is charged based on pick-up time. A fee of $5.00 will be applied if your child is picked up between 6:00-6:10pm. After 6:10pm the charge will be an additional $1.00 per minute.

Late Payment Fee: A $20 late payment fee is charged for past due accounts. Pre-payment is required. Past due accounts can result in termination.

During the school year, Camp Trilogy is offered to students who attend the following Elementary schools:

  • Westwood Elementary

  • Zimmerman Elementary

  • Meadowvale Elementary

  • Lincoln Elementary

  • Parker Elementary

  • Prairie View Elementary

  • Otsego Elementary

  • Hassan Elementary

  • Rogers Elementary